Healthcare of the Future: Key Insights to Encourage Transformation

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By Daniel Eyre | Jun 5, 2024

3 minute read Technology| EHR/EPR| Thought Leadership

As we navigate the 21st century, it’s clear that our traditional models need a radical transformation to address the emerging challenges related to patient centred care, healthcare data interoperability and collaborative technology support models.  Let's take a look at key points and takeaways based on conversations happening globally around how technology, demographic shifts, and innovative practices are shaping the future of healthcare.

Five Keys to Transformation

  1. Technology as an Enabler: The role of technology is crucial in modernising healthcare, making this the decade of the CIO.
  2. Shift to Chronic Disease Management: Moving from curative care to managing chronic diseases through proactive monitoring and early intervention.
  3. Global Healthcare Innovations: Learning from global examples like AI adoption in the UAE and e-health in Estonia to improve local healthcare systems.
  4. Patient-Centric Approach: Focusing on patients and their families as primary agents in their care, with investments in at-home monitoring and remote diagnostics.
  5. Data-Driven Transformation: Utilising data to enhance population health understanding and support proactive, integrated healthcare delivery.

Let’s deep-dive into these points:

The Role of Technology Leaders in Modern Healthcare 

Technology touches every facet of our lives and will be a key enabler in modern healthcare. Leaders and visionaries who are passionate about applying technology to solve today's healthcare challenges are the Chief Information Officers (CIOs). The CIO will likely wear multiple hats from technical expert to champion for digital innovation and strategic thought leader for your organisation. To help drive digital change, the CIO of the future will need partners and advocates who can help shoulder the work and keep IT operations running smoothly. As a global partner for healthcare organisations and CIOs in more than 4,000 care settings, we bring our healthcare operations experience to leaders in the midst of technology change and optimisation, operational efficiency and scale initiatives and the pursuit of care team satisfaction.

Reimagining Healthcare Models

Despite advancements, our healthcare models have remained substantially unchanged since the mid-20th century. Today, we are seeing a paradigm shift from the traditional curative care approach to a more proactive chronic disease management model. This involves not just treating illnesses but anticipating and managing chronic conditions through continuous monitoring and early intervention.  To enable this new care management model, healthcare organisations need strategic technology plans that will provide integrated data views across the care continuum from clinic to hospital to in-home monitoring.

Global Innovations in Healthcare

We need not look far to find inspiring examples of healthcare innovations from around the world:

  • Australia: Focus on improving rural healthcare.
  • Japan: Innovative approaches in elder care.
  • USA: Assertive outreach programs to manage patient care actively.
  • South Korea: Implementation of BESTcare 2.0 for integrated healthcare.
  • UAE: Adoption of AI to enhance healthcare services.
  • Estonia: Leaders in e-health.

These examples demonstrate the diverse strategies implemented to address healthcare challenges such as concerns of aging, resource and financial constraints, access limitations, emerging technologies, and so on.

The Future Vision: Patient-Centric and Data-Driven

The future of healthcare  and related healthcare technology solutions place patients and their families at the centre of care. This involves:

  • Proactive Identification: Early detection and management of chronic diseases.
  • At-Home Monitoring: Investment in remote monitoring systems and diagnostic technologies.
  • Hyper-Responsive Services: Building responsive outpatient and domiciliary assessment services.

This vision emphasises that while ill-health is inevitable, its incidence, frequency, and severity are predictable, preventable, and manageable through a patient-centric approach.  What's more, the more integrated, interoperable and connected our healthcare technology systems are throughout the ecosystem, the more complete the vision becomes. The future objective will require healthcare operations, policy and technology coming together for the good of patient and community health. Healthcare technology leaders will be instrumental change agents in helping make this aspiration a reality.

Leveraging Data for Transformation

A significant emphasis is being placed on the transformative potential of data. The Future Data Platform (FDP) will enable unprecedented understanding and analysis of population health and organisations must leverage data to support proactive, cross-organisational, and cross-sector healthcare delivery.

What's Next?

The future will be different and, at the same time, very bright. Although it is a long way to get to the desired state, the steps healthcare leaders take next -- or don't -- are critical to making progress toward the future.

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About the Author:
Daniel Eyre

Regional Vice President of Business Development, CereCore

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