How to Transition from a Legacy EPR System to Expanse

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By CereCore | Sep 5, 2024

3 minute read Blog| MEDITECH

For over 40 years, MEDITECH Magic has been a reliable and cost-effective electronic patient record (EPR) system for healthcare organisations. However, Magic is now an ageing technology that increasingly poses challenges such as security risks, performance issues, and limited integration capabilities. It’s crucial for NHS Trust leaders to start planning for their next EPR technology.

Several factors are driving the need for an EPR platform change:

  • Migration to Modern Systems: The multi-year digital transformation plans of NHS Trusts and private healthcare networks alike are yet another impetus for an EPR change. For example, HCA Healthcare UK, a major MEDITECH customer, is transitioning to MEDITECH Expanse over the next several years, affecting approximately 160 facilities. This shift signifies a major change for the MEDITECH Magic user base.
  • Limited Future Investment: MEDITECH Magic is only receiving updates related to regulatory and patient safety changes. No significant future investments are expected, making it impractical to continue with Magic. For example, the surveillance features in Magic have not seen substantial updates since their initial release.
  • Evolving Needs of Healthcare Operations: Current healthcare operations, care providers, and patients require more advanced features than Magic offers. Today’s EPR needs to support a fully integrated care system, with web-based interfaces, efficient workflows, and business intelligence for real-time decision support. Modern EPR systems can also enhance clinical and physician recruitment by providing a more attractive, up-to-date platform. Patients now expect a consumer-like experience with online access to their health information.

Checklist for Transitioning from Legacy MEDITECH to a Modern EPR System

  1. Evaluate Your Options
  • Assess EPR Systems: Determine whether to continue with MEDITECH by moving to Expanse or explore other EPR options.
  • Review Hosting Models: Consider which EPR Infrastructure model suits your organisation best - self-hosting, hybrid cloud, or software as a service (SaaS). Compare these options in a buyer's guide to EPR hosting. 
  • Consider Virtualisation vs. Subscription: With MEDITECH Expanse, evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of virtualising your existing system versus subscribing to MEDITECH as a Service (MaaS). Key factors include hospital size, IT resources, and customisation needs.
  • Select a Reliable Partner: When negotiating with an implementation partner, set clear expectations in the contract. Avoid partners with poorly defined service level agreements (SLAs) or unexpected costs.
  1. Plan Your Timeline

Be Realistic: Understand that even a well-planned EPR transition can take more than a year to complete. Rushing the process can jeopardise your organisation’s operations and lead to failure.

  1. Engage a Reputable Firm

Seek Expert Guidance: An EPR implementation brings significant organisational change and impact to care operations. Given the breadth of an EPR decision, consider engaging a reputable firm to assist with the many phases of an EPR transition.

At CereCore International, we are EPR agnostic, offering IT services across all major EPR systems. Partner with us for end-to-end EPR advisory, data and infrastructure support. With over 30 years of experience in healthcare operations and EPR implementations, we have successfully guided numerous healthcare organisations in the UK and the US through their EPR transitions. Let’s talk!

"Working collaboratively with CereCore International has been instrumental in achieving a successful, on-time go-live for our new electronic patient record system. The expertise, knowledge, and swift support provided played a crucial role in delivering the program seamlessly."

| Matt Connor, Chief Information Officer at Liverpool Women's NHS Foundation Trust

>> Listen to Matt explain more about the EPR transition, the benefits, and the lessons learnt during this journey, on the CereCore International podcast.

  1. Understand the Costs

Cost Analysis: Modern EPR systems require increased computing power, servers, integration, and support. Obtain a comprehensive cost assessment from your EPR provider to understand the financial implications.

  1. Prepare for Transition
  • Define Success Metrics: Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) from each department to measure success.
  • Embrace Change: A new EPR system requires adapting to new models and approaches. Avoid a one-size-fits-all strategy.
  • Choose the Right Implementation Partner: Select a partner who will collaborate with your team and offer tailored recommendations.
  • Establish Baselines: Set benchmarks to track progress post go-live and ensure you’re meeting your goals.
  • Inventory Reports: Determine which reports are essential for go-live.
  • Clean Up Master Patient Index: Start preparing by tidying up your master patient index (MPI).
  • Notify Vendors: Contact third-party vendors early to manage the transition’s impact on services and licensing.
  • Develop a Communication Plan: Create a plan to inform stakeholders about the changes and benefits of the new EPR system.
  1. Effective Project Governance
  • Define Governance Structures: Establish clear roles and responsibilities for your project governance team, including executive sponsors, core teams, and advisory groups.
  • Executive Sponsorship: An executive sponsor with a clinical background can advocate for clinician needs and patient safety.
  • Core Teams: Focus on application and workflow integration.
  • Governance Teams: Manage project planning, decision-making processes, and communication.
  • Advisory Groups: Engage relevant clinical, financial, and physician advisory groups to ensure the EPR meets diverse needs.
  • Steering Committees: Oversee budget, scope, and timeline, and monitor key performance indicators.

Closing Thoughts

Strong project governance is essential to avoid delays and ensure that your EPR transition meets its objectives. Many leaders undertake large-scale EPR implementations only a few times in their careers, making thorough preparation and a clear, realistic budget crucial.

An EPR transition is a long-term commitment and will take longer than expected. Start your planning early to ensure a successful implementation and transition.

Start Making Progress on Your EPR

>> To facilitate stakeholder and cross-departmental engagement  and decision-making, consider hosting an interactive EPR workshop with us. Our EPR and healthcare IT consultants have decades of experience leading successful projects and offer a range of dynamic, D&D-inspired workshops to help your team collaborate effectively and jump start your digital transformation efforts.

For more information or to schedule a session, please contact us.

About the Author:

CereCore® provides IT services that make it easier for you to

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